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How to promote your website
Digital Marketing, How to promote your website


Congratulations! You have created your website. This is a big step to your online presence. But is it enough? Certainly not.

At this stage, you need to let people know who you are and what you do. But that is not all; you also need to create a clientele out of your website, otherwise, it will be as if you had an actual store but no one could get to it. Apart from creating a beautiful and professional website, you need to advertise it to all major search engines and social media. This is a tedious task and quite demanding if you require good results.

What good is a website of no one can find it?

Generally speaking, a search engine will index your website within 3-4 weeks, sometimes even longer. And it will place it at a low ranking. In other words, all your competitors that have been online longer than you will be easier to find. That is, if you do nothing about it. A good promotion will bring clients to your business and money to your pocket much sooner. and, it will keep bringing new ones, providing your sales marketing is appropriate.

What you need to know is that all successful businesses have a team that deals with their website promotion. Why? Because it is worth it.